geld op moneybookers account via rekening van een vriend
beste dames/heren,
dit mail stuur ik omdat moneybookers mijn account heeft geblokeerd en hierdoor ook unibet mijn account heeft geblokeerd. unibet wil eerst dat moneybookers mijn account veriefeerd en dan kunnen ze mij account heropenen.
I understand your reaction. Technically you are right, because I deposited money from a different bank account to my own moneybookers account. But I would like to stress that even though I accidently violated one of your rules, it was not intentional. And for security reasons obviously you have suspended/blocked my account. Would you like a copy of the bankcard or ID card of my friend who sent the money to my account? He is willing to cooperate to fix this issue. Therefore my inquiry is whether my account can be opened if my friend who sent the money sends the above mentioned identification papers?
They reason that I asked a friend to deposit money on my account was because monday 17 september ideal Rabobank had a malfunction. Therefore I asked my friend to send money from his account to my moneybookers account. Ideal Rabobank had a temporary malfunction and ideal ABN AMRO Bank of my friend did not have a malfunction and this is why I deposited money through him.
From my moneybookers account I deposited money to my Unibet account, and I cannot get my money back from Unibet account untill verifies my account on It was my first time that I deposited money to through moneybookers, therefore they need a verification that it was/is my moneybookers account. Could you at least... give me some verification that it was my account. My Unibet account is around 1 year old and usually I deposit money from my own ideal Rabobank account.
na contact met unibet is er gezegd datde kans bestaat dat mijn account geblokkeerd blijft bij unibet en op de vfraag of ik mij geld terug zou krijgen konden ze geen antwoord geven en moest ik afwachten tot het beoordeeld werd.
iemand hiermee ervaring want dat mijn rekening bij unibet geblokeerd blijft vind ik niet erg maar ik wil wel mijn geld terug gestort hebben.
dit mail stuur ik omdat moneybookers mijn account heeft geblokeerd en hierdoor ook unibet mijn account heeft geblokeerd. unibet wil eerst dat moneybookers mijn account veriefeerd en dan kunnen ze mij account heropenen.
I understand your reaction. Technically you are right, because I deposited money from a different bank account to my own moneybookers account. But I would like to stress that even though I accidently violated one of your rules, it was not intentional. And for security reasons obviously you have suspended/blocked my account. Would you like a copy of the bankcard or ID card of my friend who sent the money to my account? He is willing to cooperate to fix this issue. Therefore my inquiry is whether my account can be opened if my friend who sent the money sends the above mentioned identification papers?
They reason that I asked a friend to deposit money on my account was because monday 17 september ideal Rabobank had a malfunction. Therefore I asked my friend to send money from his account to my moneybookers account. Ideal Rabobank had a temporary malfunction and ideal ABN AMRO Bank of my friend did not have a malfunction and this is why I deposited money through him.
From my moneybookers account I deposited money to my Unibet account, and I cannot get my money back from Unibet account untill verifies my account on It was my first time that I deposited money to through moneybookers, therefore they need a verification that it was/is my moneybookers account. Could you at least... give me some verification that it was my account. My Unibet account is around 1 year old and usually I deposit money from my own ideal Rabobank account.
na contact met unibet is er gezegd datde kans bestaat dat mijn account geblokkeerd blijft bij unibet en op de vfraag of ik mij geld terug zou krijgen konden ze geen antwoord geven en moest ik afwachten tot het beoordeeld werd.
iemand hiermee ervaring want dat mijn rekening bij unibet geblokeerd blijft vind ik niet erg maar ik wil wel mijn geld terug gestort hebben.
in 21-12-2012 17:16 Storten, inzetten en uitbetalen
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